Our perennial Christmas Best Seller is now available in a trendy Mason Jar. This abundant bouquet of Alstroemeria features a rich blend of White and Red Alstroemeria also known as Peruvian Lilies, and Red Holly Berries, add vibrancy and life to any room. This full bloom bouquet contains 25 stems of Peruvian Lilies, each stem with multiple blooms. This colourful bouquet contains a delightful mix of White and Red Peruvian Lilies. Each stem of Alstromeria has four blooms. There are 100 blooms in this wonderful bouquet and Mason Jar is included!
To allow these beautiful flowers to last much longer, they are shipped fresh, budding, and ready to bloom. Bouquet includes 25 stems of Alstromeria and stands approximately 14"H x 14"W