Send this bouquet of breath-taking and elegant assorted Calla Lilies carefully arranged in a trendy Mason Jar and make any occasion memorable. This beautiful assortment of Mini Calla Lilies combines ten (10) stems of white, yellow, pink, red and purple flowers. Elegant and classy Assorted Mini Calla Lilies are the focal point of any classic upscale environment. They represent luxury and style and are both graceful and exotic.
Mason Jar included.
Assorted Calla Lilies in Mason Jar
4.6/5 based on 2278 Customer Reviews
SKU: MJ102-43
Compare at:$79.99
Bloomex Price:$39.99
You SAVE!$40.00
Select Size
Deluxe Bouquets are more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Standard Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.