This vivid and cheery bouquet is like sending a burst of Summer and Sunshine!
Gorgeous roses in shades of dark orange, coral and orange combine perfectly with light yellow carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and fresh greens. It's like a summer kiss on sunny day! Approximately 11" W x 14" H.
Vase not included - available for purchase as an "Extra Touch"
Citrus Kissed
4.3/5 based on 2577 Customer Reviews
SKU: LF100-24
Compare at:$74.99
Bloomex Price:$49.99
You SAVE!$25.00
Select Size
Deluxe Bouquets are more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Standard Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.