A virtual explosion of Red Carnations tastefully accented by lush greenery. Red Carnations are a timeless classic and are a symbol of love and affection, the perfect flower bouquet. This beautiful and bountiful bouquet offers a long life and full body bloom. Sure to make a lasting impression on the one you Love!
Vase not included - available for purchase as an "Extra Touch"
Crimson Delight
4.6/5 based on 1475 Customer Reviews
SKU: LF21-68
Compare at:$69.99
Bloomex Price:$34.99
You SAVE!$35.00
Select Size
Deluxe Bouquets are more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Standard Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.
SUPERSIZE Bouquets are significantly more impressive
and contain more blooms than the Deluxe Bouquet.